Bicester Area Yr 3 & 4 Mini Football festival

On the 18 October the Bicester Area primary school attended the Year 3 and 4 mini football festival. There were a total of 22 teams with about 220 children attending.  There were 4 pools with teams playing each other in a round robin format. Matches lasted 7 minutes and were expertly refereed by The Cooper School sports leaders. At the end of the first round, quarter finals were played, followed by semi-finals and finals.

The quarter final teams were – King’s Meadow vs Brookside, Launton vs Fringford, Langford Village vs Charlton and Chesterton vs Burepark. There was a draw in one of the games, so we ended up doing penalties to determine who played in the next round.

The semi-finals ended up with King’Meadow vs Fringford and Langford Village vs Chesterton

The final placings were –1.  Langford Village,

                                        2. Kings Meadow,

                                        3. Chesterton

                                        4.  Fringford

The weather that day had predicted for heavy rain during the day, but we were so lucky as not a drop of rain landed on us that morning.



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