STA Support Teacher of School Swimming

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Event description

This event is open to anyone who has previously completed the Swimming Teacher Association Support Teacher of School Swimming and Water Safety course and is in need of a renewal, or who needs to complete the course from the beginning - it will offer a blended approach to meet the needs of both cohorts.

The course will be a mixture of theory and practical so please do come prepared with clothing for classroom, poolside and pool based activities.

Please also bring a packed lunch.

For NOSSP affiliated schools the course cost is £80 per delegate,which includes all registration and certification, as well as a teaching manual for each school. Please log in to book a place.

For non NOSSP affiliated schools the course cost is £120 per delegate,which includes all registration and certification, as well as a teaching manual for each school. Please email [email protected].

Schools will be invoiced for the cost of the course in advance.