WARR - Yr3&4DODGE BALL Inclusive Festival

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Event description

To start the game

The balls are placed in the Dead Zone (the area in the middle between the teams) at the start of a game. We will normally use 3 for a game, but in lessons you can use as many as you wish. 

Please bring a squad of 10 children. 6 children will start each game.

All players will be on their side of the court touching the back line or wall. The game begins with a whistle or signal from the umpire in the middle.  

Players can then run towards the middle to gain possession of the balls. They must be taken to or passed to the back of the court before the first throws across are made.

How to play

Players are divided into two teams and can only go on ‘their’ side of the court. They throw the balls across to the other side attempting to hit players from the other team to get them out. Whilst in your area you can move around, move with the ball, pass it to others on your team, drop it, bounce it… anything you like really apart from kicking it.

You win a game by putting out all the opposing team, or by having more players left on court at the end of the game if it is timed.

You are out when…

When you are out…

You need to leave the court immediately and sit on the bench at the side of your court. The first person out sits closest to the umpire, and the others sit in a line in the order they were out in.



A clean catch not only means the player from the opposite team who threw it to you is out, but you also get to bring one player from your team who is out, back onto court. This happens in rotation – FOFI (first out – first in) so sitting in the way explained earlier, helps the umpire and players to know who is in next.