These Girls Can! at the Banbury Ac. Festival

71 Y5/6 girls from the Banbury Academy family of schools attended a 'This Girl Can' festival on Thursday 23rd November.  The focus of the festival was positivity and self-belief and the girls really took this on board as they totally went for it when trying lots of different activities.  The girls had a go at archery, streetdance, skipping, trampette, aerobics, cheerleading and benchball.  All the girls said at the end that they had tried something new and different and that they had absolutely loved it.  Skipping certificates were awarded to a girl from each of the 7 schools who had showed the most progress over 2 x 1minute skips and the girl who did the most skips in 1minute.  There were some very impressive reults!  Well done to all these winners! 

The success of the festival was largely down to the team of Y9&10 Banbury Academy girls who planned and ran the activities.  They did a great job of ensuring the activities were pitched at the right level and were very supportive throughout.

Some feedback from the Y5/6 girls -

"I can do it!"

"It was amazing, great to learn all the new sports."

"Best thing I have done."

"Archery was the best - I've not done that before."



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