The Cooper Girls Only Festival

The Cooper School hosted its first Girls Only Festival on Wednesday 6 December. It was attended by Glory Farm, Fringford, Finmere, Langford Village and Charlton-on-Otmoor Primary Schools. The activities that were on offer: trampolining, dance, yoga and cheerleading. Each activity lasted about 30 minutes and ended off with a little bit of hula hoop work. The trampoline session was run very efficiently by the Year 8 sports leaders, giving the children excellent coaching and catering for their individual needs. There were 4 girls who also choreographed the dance routine to the song Sax by Fleur East.  All the school children learnt the dance in their allocated time and even one school was able to perform it with very little help from the leaders. The yoga was delivered by Mrs Ramsey, a teacher from The Cooper School, an activity that created a very relaxing atmosphere. The cheerleading was led by Kizzy from Bicester Elite Cheer United and a couple of girls who train with the club.

The Schools Games Value was self-belief and each school nominated 2 children who had demonstrated the value during the morning.

‘The event was well organised and all of the leaders were very encouraging (especially the girls on the trampolining)’ Teacher from Fringford

‘I loved the trampolining because of the fun tricks we learnt.’ Pupil from Fringford

‘Great range of activities that are not easily accessible at primary school.’ Teacher from Charlton-on-Otmoor

‘We loved the cheerleading because we got lifted up.’ Pupil from Charlton-on-Otmoor

‘All the girls enjoyed the events, ideas to take away from the yoga to boost self-esteem.’ Teacher from Langford Village


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