Getting Active at Bure Park School

At Bure Park Primary School, we are working on developing the opportunities for our children to be more physically active every day.

Across both key stages, all children are taking part in the ‘daily mile’, where they are encouraged to walk, run or skip! This has proved to be a great success, with the children really enjoying it and we are seeing a positive impact of improved concentration back in the classroom, as well as an improvement in their stamina and fitness.

Some other ways we are trying to embed daily physical activity in to the school day are; Year 5/6 take part in a daily skipping challenge, trying to beat their Personal Bests, Dance Captains lead outside breaktime ‘Boogie Bursts’ , Year 6 Playground Leaders lead daily lunchtime activities for younger children and our ‘Bure Park Active Gang’ are also promoting and developing more opportunities to get our schools even more active!

We are also developing ways to reduce ‘sitting’ time in lessons; our School Council have introduced lesson ‘movement breaks’ across the school, created posters to promote physical activity to reduce sedentary behaviour and have even observed each class undertaking an active movement break to ensure sustainability and further ‘Movement Classes’ are run by trained TAs to boost literacy skills for children.


North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership
Blessed George Napier Sports College
Tel: 01295 264216

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