Yr 5&6 G&T Sportshall Athletics

The Cooper School hosted the Year 5 & 6 G & T Sportshall Athletics event with pupils from Burepark, Charlton-on-Otmoor and Glory Farm showing off their athletics skills.

The schools were welcomed by the sports leaders who immediately started warming the children up in preparation for the events. During the warm up the children had the opportunity of trying out some of the obstacles in preparation for the events. The Games School Value was Teamwork  and this was clearly shown by the enthusiasm and competiveness when the children were taking part, as well as all the cheering for the athletes. The morning was started with the field events followed by the obstacle relays and the sprint relays. The sprint relays the roof was lifted as teams cheered each other one.

Burepark were convincing winners, followed by Glory Farm taking 2nd spot and then Charlton-on-Otmoor. I would like to wish Burepark the best of luck in the next round. A big thank you to our sports leader from Year 8 and 10 and Steve Flynn from Bicester Athletics Club.

North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership
Blessed George Napier Sports College
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