Year 3 PE at William Morris

This term at William Morris, Year 3 have been focusing on honing and learning some new skills in hockey. During the recent cold and snow spells, we decided to take our lesson indoors where we transferred our skills using the unihoc equipment.

All pupils found some easy links between the equipment, rules and aims of the game. To challenge them further and practice some maths, we introduced some mathematical challenges to add another element to the lesson. Before the pupils knew it, they were running around, controlling bean bags (instead of balls to slow them down) and shooting too score.

After the physical running, dribbling, and shooting they worked in teams to quickly work out how many bean bags (counting in 3’s, 5’s and 10’s) they had scored. Once confident with their answer they had to all agree in teams and put their hands up. If they were correct with their answer they were awarded bonus points depending on how quickly they worked out the sum. If they rushed and got the incorrect answer, no bonus points were scored.

All pupils made improvements with their team work, hockey skills as well as solving maths problems quickly in their teams. Well done year 3!


Mr Pemble


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