Active Leaders at Longfields

Children in Y3/4 have been using the YST Active Leaders cards in PE lessons to help them understand what they need to do to help them and each other become better at planning, organising, leading and doing activities.

The children were split into groups of 6 and given a role to take on with a partner; warm up leaders, equipment leaders and coaches. They were given guidelines and ideas of what they role and responsibilities were and time to think and plan what to do with their partner. The warm up leaders did a great job raising pulse rates, stretching them and mobilising the joints of their group, focusing well on their ‘Healthy Me!’ All of the group respected their leaders and the coaches praised them and each other and offered suggestions on how they could improve the warm up.

The task was set for the children to work together to send an object round the group and for each child to be able to successfully pass and receive the object. The equipment managers planned which equipment they thought was most suitable for this task and the groups tried it out. The coaches kept positive and encouraged their group on how to develop their ‘Physical Me’ skills and discussed with the equipment managers about changing the equipment if they felt it wasn’t suitable/some of the group were not succeeding. As teachers, we stepped back and observed how the children interacted together to succeed in this task and found it fascinating to watch all children step up to lead in their specific role. The children really had to use their ‘growth mindset’ if things weren’t going to plan and used their ‘Thinking Me and Social Me’ skills to overcome issues and succeed at this task.


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Blessed George Napier Sports College
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