Warriner Tri Golf and Transition Festival

The first Warriner Family Tri Golf festival took place on Tuesday 26th of June in partnership with Tadmarton Golf Course and the Golf Foundation. Prior to the festival, Jason Sorrell from the Golf Foundation met with targeted pupils from year 6 and 7, and trained them to deliver the eight different golfing skills stations. In addition to the leaders training the Operations Manager and Tadmarton Golf Professional John Stubbs has been visiting our primary schools and delivering golf coaching session as part of a unique offer for pupils in year 3 and 4 who were to take part in the festival.

The leaders were selected to be part of the event as to complement the transition work which already happens at The Warriner School. The leaders assembled on the 12th of June as part of their transition training day, leaders took part in a series of team building challenges and orientation exercises, in addition to the golfing workshop. Throughout the day pupils were able to develop friendships and express any concerns they may have about starting at secondary school in September.

With everyone having completed their respective training the festival was able to take place at Tadmarton Golf Course. Five teams from Bloxham, Deddington, Dr Radcliffes and Shennington took to the Tadmarton fairways to put their chipping and putting skills to the test. After a brilliant afternoon of golf it was the aptly named “hole in one’s” from Bloxham who emerged victorious.

I would like to thank both John and Jason for their involvement and commitment over this term and everyone involved with their primary schools for organising and transporting pupils around.


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Blessed George Napier Sports College
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