Warriner Family Term 1 Events


High 5’s all round for Netball. This year’s large schools event took place on the brand new Multi Surface Games Area at The Warriner School. This was the first event of the year and was the first netball tournament to be held on our new facility. With expectations high the standard of play did not disappoint. A record 12 teams took part over three courts and for the first time we were able to include ‘C’ teams. The value attached to this event was team work, with outstanding passing and moving pupils left feeling proud and happy with all their achievements.

Tag Rugby Festival

As we eagerly await the Semi Finals of the Rugby World Cup our primary schools took part in their own Rugby extravaganza. In which 290 pupils took part in the annual tag rugby festival with a record breaking 22 teams all beautifully demonstrating the value of team work. The festival had four groups all competing against each other which culminated in a playoffs and finals. This was a fantastic event on a huge scale and a massive congratulations should go towards the pupils who took part and the teachers who have invested so much time and effort in teaching and training pupils for the event.

Year 3-4 Large Schools Football Festival was hosted for the first time by Bloxham Primary School. Pupils braved the autumnal showers and produced some outstanding footballing moments. In two and a half hours over 150 goals were scored a statistic Premier League managers would be proud of!! The value of Respect was embedded throughout the event with handshakes and three cheers being observed at the end of each match.


Multi Skills Madness took place in the Warriner sports hall on the final Thursday of term. With over 160 pupils from years one and two took part in activities led by 49 (of the finest) Sports leaders; The primary pupils completed a series of 8 activity stations that focused upon the sporting ABC’s Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.

A special mention of thanks should go to all the leaders who have helped with all the events so far this year, all 106 of you have been brilliant in giving up your free time to help put on these incredible events and provide these opportunities for others.



North Oxfordshire School Sport Partnership
Blessed George Napier Sports College
Tel: 01295 264216

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